Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Happy Tears .. :) :,,)

Why does it bring tears to your eyes when someone says something nice to your child?
Why does your heart swell with pride and brim with joy when you see your little angel succeed?
Why are you overwhelmed with emotion at the very mention of his name?

I have experienced all of that and these...
Happy tears ..
Proud tears...
Joyous tears ...
Passionate tears !!!

Unconditional love was a word I learnt back in school in my English class. I tried to write poems about it back then, but I now know why those poems were not deep enough ... I simply did not understand what it meant. At different phases and stages of my life I have tried to feel it and classify the feeling as unconditional love ... But now it's for real, I don't have to try to experience it.... it's just there. It's taken me over... It's even better than falling in love for the first time... The love you feel for your child is different... it's true love ...it's wonderful love... it's heartwarming love... it's cozy love ... and it most certainly is UNconditional Love!!!

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